VTES: New Blood - Tremere - EN
Vampire: The Eternal Struggle TCG - New Blood Tremere - EN
New Blood is a collection of five 55-card preconstructed decks for introductory games of Vampire: The Eternal Struggle. These decks are simpler than tournament level decks, but showcase all the basic mechanics of the game. They are balanced, for a fun and exciting first try of Vampire: The Eternal Struggle. Some of the cards included are reprints and some are new for this set, all ready to mix with cards from other sets.
Clan Tremere are vampiric warlocks, masters of rituals of Blood Sorcery. Their powers make them arrogant and deadly, and they always lust for more occult lore.
This deck takes a defensive stance, taking advantage of its vampires´ psychic powers. It weakens its enemies with persistent attrition and Blood Sorcery combat skills.
Crypt (6 cards)1 Abraham DuSable (New card)1 Ayelech1 Chrysanthemum1 Lloyd Brooks1 Mason Ha (New card)1 Trevon Parker
Library (49 cards)1 Arcane Library2 Blood Doll1 Chantry1 The Fragment of the Book of Nod1 The Rumor Mill, Tabloid Newspaper
1 Magic of the Smith6 Scouting Mission
2 Bonding2 Threats
1 Flaming Candle1 Ivory Bow1 Sniper Rifle
3 Apportation2 Blood Fury2 Rego Motum2 Telepathic Tracking5 Theft of Vitae
2 Enhanced Senses2 Eyes of Argus3 Forced Awakening1 Melange1 Precognition2 Spirit’s Touch4 Telepathic Misdirection
1 rules reference card
Note: Cellophane wrapped only – no tuckbox.